Instagram already has more users than Twitter, with more than 300 million active users around the world. In Spain, it is the sixth most used social network and the third most valued. According to the 6th Annual Social Networks Study 2015 done by IAB Spain, Spaniards spend almost 3 hours (2 hours and 57 minutes) a week on Instagram.
If images are your thing, keep reading.
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Five free tools that will help you improve and boost your presence on Instagram
1. Iconosquare
This is the complete management and analysis tool for your Instagram account. In the statistics section, you will be offered global data regarding your account (shared images, followers, followings, comments and likes), the evolution of followers won and lost in the last seven days, and the “love rate” ratios (based on the “likes” of the followers), “talk rate” (depending on the comments) and “spread like” (percentage of “likes” received from people who do not follow you). With Iconosquare, you can also manage your Instagram account from the web, and promote it. To do so, all you need to do is create a public URL from your Instagram account, generate a tab on your Facebook page to directly post your Instagram images, mount a cover image for your Facebook profile from Instagram photos or insert a widget to display the images on your blog or website.
This is great for you if: You want to get analytics data from your Instagram account to measure its evolution and performance; and promote your Instagram profile on other platforms, be it your website, blog or Facebook profile.
2. Latergramme
To program images on Instagram, both from your computer and your mobile, use Latergramme. Even if the intention is to program publications from a computer, you can download the mobile app for free on both iOS and Android. The application will send a mobile notification when your scheduled time to post arrives. Of course, notifications on your mobile must be enabled. Just open the image and authorize the upload to Instagram. In that moment, you can also add filters and captions. The free version allows you to program a maximum of 30 posts per month.
This is great for you if: You want to schedule posts on Instagram, both from your computer and from your mobile phone.
3. Gramfeed
This tool is very good for monitoring your progress on Instagram. Gramfeed performs searches of hashtags, users and geolocations. Just include the location so that the tool can identify all images generated around that point. What’s more, you can also find photos of a subject (e.g. a business or brand) created in a particular place as long as the user is geolocated, of course. It is always interesting to monitor what is being published about a brand or business in a certain geographical area.
This is great for you if: You want to monitor hashtags, brands and geolocated businesses on Instagram.
And if you want to know what sticks and what strategies are best employed to gain as many Instagram followers as your leading competitors, you can also sign up for a free trial of our Instagram growth service today.
4. Instafall
This is a great complement to the previous monitoring app. Similar to Hootsuite, you can also add user monitoring, hashtags and publications according to location. You can monitor the likes you receive and all the content you receive is updated real time.
This is great for you if: You want to be able to check and review what certain Instagram users (such as your the competition) publish and find out what hashtags they use.
5. Twtrland
This is an ideal tool for analyzing the activity of your competition on Instagram. You can search by keyword, location or full username to find out what profiles are related on Instagram. It also shows you how many Instagram followers they have, how often they post images, and how many “I likes” and comments are recorded per photo.
This is great for you if: You want to analyze the activity and engagement capacity of your competition on Instagram.
Engagement is extremely important especially in growing your Instagram following organically. If you are serious about becoming Insta famous, we can help you gain 3,000 followers monthly through Simplygram. Sign up for a free trial of our Instagram growth service to get started right away!
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