It doesn’t matter if you have a brand account or a personal account, your bio is the first thing that your potential followers will see. It’s one of the determining factors whether you’ll get those new set of followers or not and sadly, it’s one of the things that we usually leave abandoned and neglected.
I just launched # Triunfagram, my book and an online course with the best strategies to succeed on Instagram and I just left the recipe for how to create a good biography for free. The feedback has been great and that’s why I thought about writing a post open to everyone, to help you create a good biography on Instagram.
Table of Contents
What do you need to create a super bio on Instagram?
Our Instagram bio is very important in order to connect with new followers and even strangers who visit our website. With an optimized bio, we can get more followers, more traffic, and more ways to facilitate the consumption of our content. Below, I’ve listed down the 7 most important elements that should always be present in your Instagram bio.
1. Smart name
You don’t have to repeat the same name as your username. You could add descriptive words that represent you better. Here are three examples that show the different ways of making a great bio: @BillieSastre’s bio that priorities his specialty, my own bio that highlights the fact that I’m an entrepreneur (and alongside it a fun emoji, as you can see below), and the Triunfagram’s bio that describes what it actually is. My goal with Triunfagram is that when people search for Instagram, the first thing they’ll know is about the book.
2. Calls to action
If you want people to perform an action, you’ll have to ALWAYS indicate it. Otherwise, people would just go through your profile as silent observers. In your Instagram bio, you can add visual and textual means for your call to action.
And your own call to action can be vamping up your community of followers with new 2, 000 to 3, 000 friends every month with SimplyGram, the best Instagram growth service in 2019.
3. Custom link
If you look at the same example of the call to action, I use the link Through this, I can track exactly how many people come to my sales page through Instagram. It’s a link that I don’t have anywhere else. You could perfectly add a link like these with Pretty Link (WordPress Plugin) or (shortened link).
You can also use other tools such as the following to get more conversions:
- – With this tool, you will be able to add links in your publications and then when users click on the link in your biography the images will become links. This will allow users to go where you want.
- – With this tool, you can define the TOP links you want to leave highlighted. Example: your website, your last posts, your online store, the contact page, etc.
4. Emojis
Emojis can change the visual aspect of your bio, so I recommend adding them to the beginning of your sentences. Here’s an example of a great Instagram bio that uses emojis just so you can be inspired.
5. Stories highlights
The highlights came to help us boost our conversions. Through them, we not only make our stories continue over time (instead of only 24 hours), but we can also tell stories, boost traffic to our website, organize our content and much more.
Recommendations for story highlights
- Use a background color that’s usually associated with your image
- Use icons, photos, illustrations to convey what each highlight is
- Do not limit yourself to using the highlights just to organize your content, you can also use them to tell stories.
- Example 1 (Kitchen) | Upload several stories sharing a recipe and tips to carry it out. Then create a highlight so that users can see that particular recipe.
- Example 2 (Education or News) | Divide the information into several stories and target it with the highlights
Template to create COVERS with your stories
To help you create the covers of your stories, my team has prepared templates and tutorials for Photoshop and PowerPoint that will allow you to create and publish beautiful covers on your Instagram profile.
6 and 7. Use hashtags and profiles in your biography
If you have an account like mine from @triunfagram (that is, an additional account to my main account of @vilmanunez) you can take advantage of the bio to mention your official profile. With my original profile, I mentioned my consultant’s account in my bio and a few days after, I had new 15 followers. As you know, people visit your profile and then continue to consume content.
Adding hashtags and profiles in our biography facilitates the consumption of content and enhances our conversions. In 2018, Instagram made the hashtags and profiles clickable and this meant more conversions for the brands.
Other tips for your bio
- Do not write a paragraph, divide your biography into lines
- Prepare the biography in the application notes of your mobile and then copy it on your Instagram
- Add the emojis with the little arrow to indicate that they click on your link
- Change your biography constantly with your new actions
- Include the hashtags of your campaigns so that your users have them at hand
- Track your custom links to see how much traffic your Instagram generates
Do you want to succeed on Instagram?The number 1 Instagram growth service SimplyGram is the definite go-to app to increase your profile visibility and get more than 2, 000 to 3, 000 engaging followers every month. SimplyGram uses organic techniques and optimal methods to make sure that you get your target demographic. You can sign up for a free trial now and experience the Instagram success lifestyle.
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